啟民創談11 || 創「萬物」研習分享 : 設計調查 I : 從設計研究探知社會、生態、科技議題
Enable Talk 11 || EEESchool Sharing : Design Investigation I with Parsons & Charlesworth Design Studio

EEESchool 創「萬物」研習分享

在賽馬會「萬物語」創意生態計劃中,我們在8月份邀請了來自不同界別的生態學家、團體、設計師、藝術家、學者和建築師,分享了一系列EEESchool 創意講座,希望從「萬物」的角度,重新觀察我們與動物、植物、非生物和環境的密切關係。



Enable Talk Series #11 : EEESchool Sharing

設計調查 I : 從設計研究探知社會、生態、科技議題

Design Investigation I with Parsons & Charlesworth Design Studio: exploring key social, ecological and technological challenges through design research

面對社會和生態議題,設計能夠做甚麼?來自英國的藝術設計組合 Parsons & Charlesworth Design Studio給設計學生們分享他們的推測設計項目、設計研究方法,設計物件、雕塑、文章、 裝置藝術、影像、影片探知社會、生態環境議題,打開新的思考角度。

歡迎大家到啟民創社的 YouTube 頻道重溫。


設計調查 I : 從設計研究探知社會、生態、科技議題

Design Investigation I with Parsons & Charlesworth Design Studioexploring key social, ecological and technological challenges through design research

日期: 二零二二年八月八日, 星期一

時間: 下午三至四點半

地點: Enable Foundation Zoom Meeting

語言: 英語

主持人: Dr Yanki LEE, CEO & Cofounder of Enable Foundation, Design Researcher

Ire TSUI, Head of Communication & Co-founder of Enable Foundation, Design Editor, researcher

講者: Parsons & Charlesworth Design Studio

節目 :

Part 1 - 3:00-3:15 _ Introduction

Part 2 - 3:15-4:00_ CATALOG FOR THE POST-HUMAN by Parsons & Charlesworth

Parsons & Charlesworth is an art and design studio that develops tangible worlds as discursive tools for critically appraising urgent issues. Co-founded by Jessica Charlesworth and Tim Parsons, the studio’s investigative, research-driven, speculative approach uses installation, sculpture, designed objects, writing, photography and digital media to explore key social, ecological and technological challenges of our time, including climate change, the future of work, and the ethics of technology. In response to the Open Society Foundations’ Future of Work research program, Parsons & Charlesworth developed the Catalog For The Post Human, a discursive tool to raise awareness, among labour advocates, of the issues under-represented workers could face in a future where workers may be expected to augment themselves in order to stay competitive. Focusing on human enhancement technologies (HET’s – technologies that temporarily or permanently overcome the limitations of the human body), their contribution had two components, a research report that drew attention to the range of HET’s being actively used or explored in the lab and a faux sales catalog featuring a variety of fictional ‘everyday’ products and services that our research suggested could emerge and impact upon the future of work.


Part 3 - 4:00 -4:30 _ Discussion & conclusion