Fine Dying

FINE DYING designs new “death objects” with citizens for green burial services and better grieving.

Unlike medical or social service experts, who ensure a Good Death or better End of Life, we advocated a new design movement, FINE DYING, a more disruptive approach to this taboo subject. We researched and designed a series of “death objects” with citizens to explore new possibilities for our own dying matter. These designs address our deeper emotional needs and mental health on how to grieve as well as preserve our loved one’s memories.

These designs document Hong Kong citizens’ aspiration for Fine Dying. The Light (2015) by London designer Pascal Anson , like a candle holder and it holds the loved one’s death gemstone in an enclosed tube where it can be illuminated by a switch. The Envelope 信別 (2018) is a patented one-off paper ash scatter by Hong Kong design studio, Milk Design. It enables citizens to design a better ritual of garden burial (scattering ashes in the city’s gardens of remembrance). It was launched in Jan 2018 and was in production for Hong Kong citizens to use since Jan 2019.

死物習作:信別 ——

2018年金點設計獎標章整合設計類 - 社會設計

2018DFA亞洲最具影響力設計獎 :產品及工業設計優異獎


當醫學界及殯葬業倡議改善善終及其他服務時,我們也可以從生活角度,以設計探索生死議題。在社創基金資助下,啟民創社於 2017 年開展了為期兩年的社創設計室計劃。 從計劃的首個項目 —— 死物習作(Fine Dying),我們希望透過一件與用者距離最親近的物件 ——「死物」(The Objects of Death),在告別儀式中讓家人表達對先人的最後思念和情感,同時進一步了解香港殯葬服務的文化背景、城市規劃,甚至解決未來人口老化、土地短缺等問題,為大眾市民提供更多「死好」的選擇和討論。

社創設計室計劃找來了一班 Enablers:包括 200 多位設計學生和 100多位老年人,從香港生死殯葬議題切入,進行了不同程度的跨代共創歷程,過程中產生約 200 個死物意念,當中撰擇「撒而不留」的願望,成為啟民創社與設計顧問專業團隊 Milk Design,共同為未來花園葬服務發展的新死物系列的靈感。

Alternative for ash scattering in garden burial?

SID.Lab Fine Dying Teaser video

Created by Swiss media and interaction designer Hélène Portier.

Produced by Enable Foundation.

“Fine Dying” Project is about how to co-design dying matters in the city with citizens.



當醫學界及殯葬業倡議改善善終及其他服務時,我們也可以從生活角度,以設計探索生死議題。在社創基金資助下,啟民創社於 2017 年開展了為期兩年的社創設計室計劃。 從計劃的首個項目 —— 死物習作(Fine Dying),我們希望透過一件與用者距離最親近的物件 ——「死物」(The Objects of Death),在告別儀式中讓家人表達對先人的最後思念和情感,同時進一步了解香港殯葬服務的文化背景、城市規劃,甚至解決未來人口老化、土地短缺等問題,為大眾市民提供更多「死好」的選擇和討論。

社創設計室計劃找來了一班 Enablers:包括 200 多位設計學生和 100多位老年人,從香港生死殯葬議題切入,進行了不同程度的跨代共創歷程,過程中產生約 200 個死物意念,當中選擇「撒而不留」的願望,成為啟民創社與設計顧問專業團隊 Milk Design,正在共同為未來花園葬服務發展的新死物系列的靈感。

Booklet on Fine Dying Project. PDF File.