Happy Colouring Story 01 : From Farm to Table (Food & Eating)


Happy Colouring·Dementia Collage



Dementia Story 1




In the old farming days, everyone called her "Grandma Pineapple". In her twenties, she got married and moved into Lantau Island, and since then, farmed with her husband for over 60 years. They used to grow jackfruit and dwarf bananas. Grandpa Pineapple even helped built the first road leading to the Big Buddha on Lantau Island! Currently, Grandma Pineapple has moved downtown to live with her son. She also has three dogs!



Born in Fujian, China, she used to farm in her home village. Her family would plough with the help of water buffaloes while she followed from behind and transplanted rice seedlings.


年輕時在鄉下生活,她插秧、種禾、種番薯,餐餐米飯加番薯。她沒有特別愛做的事情,沒有特別想去的地方,也沒有運動的習慣,每日主要的活動是看電視。最重要的事情就是「吃」,甚麼都吃, 特別是水果。

When she was young and living in the village, she would transplant rice seedlings, and grow grains and sweet potatoes. She had rice with sweet potatoes every meal. Nowadays, she has no favourite activities or places. she wants to go, and she does not exercise. Watching television is her main activity every day. To her, eating is the most important thing in life. She likes to eat all kinds of food, especially fruit.


開心姊妹花最愛(以前)坐電車(叮叮)去街市買餸 。 (不停重複)開心姐姐最愛的食物是士多啤梨因為士多啤梨是紅色,很美;以前去街市買餸,還會買花給家人,如爸爸媽媽愛富貴竹、妹妹喜歡菊花,「𠱁下大家(開心)」。 兩姊妹還會一起吃蛋撻呢!

The happy sisters loved taking the tram to the street market in the old days. The elder sister’s favourite food is strawberry since it is red and beautiful. She used to buy flowers for her family when she visited the street market - lucky bamboo for her parents and chrysanthemums for her younger sister. “Just to cheer them up!” she said. The happy sisters would have egg tarts together sometimes!


以前日日忙「湊仔」,現在最緊要的事情是「食」 !她喜歡圓轆轆的食物,如湯圓、蛋撻、點心蒸籠、雞蛋仔(她說:「記得圓形的食物要放在一起。」),還有雞!燒雞、鳳爪都好正。

In the past, she used to be occupied taking care of her children. Now, her top priority is food! She loves round food, including tang yuan (glutinous rice dumplings), egg tarts, dim sum, egg waffles... (“Remember to place the round food altogether,” she added.) Also, chicken! To her, both roast chicken and chicken feet are fantastic!



Roasting chicken in a bikini, isn’t that hot?



好豐富㗎。有老少平安、腐乳蒸矮瓜(茄子)、清蒸鯪魚,飯後果是西瓜。她不識字,但個性精靈,眼力好,愛烹飪,又懂得分辨哪棵水仙最香。問香港哪種交通工具最好?她說:當然首選電車,理由一個字:平!( 坐地鐵都好,出入口方便。)

“What are we going to have for dinner?”

“Plenty! Steamed tofu with fish paste, steamed eggplant with fermented tofu, and steamed mud carp. After dinner, we’ll have watermelon.”

She cannot read but she has an energetic character, good eyesight, and she loves cooking. She can also tell which Chinese sacred lilies smells the best!

“What’s your favourite means of transport in Hong Kong?”

“The tram, of course! Just for one reason. It’s cheap!” (“The MTR is good too because the exits are conveniently located.”)



Her signature dish is Chinese steamed cakes. Her favourite food is a pineapple bun.



The old couple’s favourite food is Chinese roast pork Even though it seems that the doctor once advised them to avoid it, but …but they don’t really care! Steamed eggplant is actually nice, too.



她答:「首先一定,記緊是一定要買前半!(魚的前半身) 點解?前半無骨(多肉)嘛。


“How to steam a grass carp?”

“First and foremost, buy the front half of the fish!”


“The front half has no bones and more meat.”

“When you bring it home, remove the fish scales, make a few cuts on the fish body, and marinate with salt. Then, place strips of ginger and shiitake mushroom on top and steam it for 15 minutes.”



Uncle Goat was born in China in the 1940s. His grandfather was a landowner, Who fled to HK, grandfather or Uncle Goat?

Uncle Goat fled to Hong Kong during the Cultural Revolution and worked in the factory when he was young. Do you know that he is a calligrapher? He writes elegant calligraphy and is a fan of Bruce Lee. His motto of staying healthy is to have a banana each day. Of course, having oranges, Chinese roast pork, roast chicken and playing mahjong are also essential

「 鄧麗君,請你吃一塊西瓜!」八十多歲的嘻哈婆婆愛吃,把兒子養得白白胖胖,連她自己也曾經150磅!後來大病,體重急降,現在體形瘦了許多。為了長壽,她甚麼都吃:魚、士多啤梨、菠蘿包、砵仔糕、菜、燒雞、提子、燒腩仔⋯⋯「要食嘢,先會長壽呀!」 嘻哈婆婆最愛到蓮香居,喜歡鄧麗君,愛她的人靚聲甜還有名曲「我愛你」。

“Teresa Teng, take a slice of watermelon!”

Grandma Haha is over 80 years old and she loves to eat. She raised her son to be plump and she once weighed 150 pounds! However, later, she got ill and lost weight. She is now much thinner than before. To have a longer life, she eats all kinds of food - fish, strawberries, pineapple buns, red bean puddings, vegetables, roast chicken, grapes, Chinese roast pork “You have to keep eating in order to have a longer life!” Grandma Haha’s favourite restaurant is Lin Heung Kui. Singer Teresa Teng was her idol. She thinks Teresa looked beautiful and had a sweet voice. Teresa’s ‘I Love You’ is her favourite song of all time.



Her favourite Chinese New Year elements are tangerine trees, lotus flowers and Chinese sacred lilies.







Roses, roses, we all love.

Roses, roses, our grandmas’ beloveds.

Why? Roses are red, beautiful and charming!

Most importantly, in the concrete jungle of Hong Kong,

seeing roses makes one feel closer to the nature. That’s why,

roses, roses, we all love.

15 一說菊花,她就樂了;因為菊花她最愛的黃色,還有星星圖案;第二最愛:提子。

Whenever she hears about chrysanthemums, she feels excited. Her favourite yellow is from the yellow chrysanthemum flower. She also likes images of yellow stars. Her second favourite thing is grapes.