腦化好生活物語 > 從香港到比利時
OK Dementia@Dementia Lab Conference 2022

OK Dementia 從香港到比利時


2022年9月21日世界認知障礙日,啟民創社的團隊到訪比利時城市魯汶,參與國際會議 Dementia Lab Conference,分享來自香港的腦化好生活故事和項目,同時擔任《Talking about Things》展覽籌辦單位,參與國際會議的單位透過不同商店的櫥窗海報,與比利時的市民分享來自不同腦退化/認知障礙症人士、照顧者故事。詳細活動內容可參考網站資料。 啟民創社團隊將會製作影片分享與大眾分享腦化故事的過程,準備明年將活動帶到香港,期待在十一月的在香港舉行的公眾活動中與大家分享。

特別鳴謝:陶哲甫及陶潘麗瑤基金贊助和支持這次OK Dementia國際交流活動

Stay tuned.

#OKDementia #LocalActionGlobalImpact #WorldAlzheimermonth #DementiaLabConference2022 #enablefoundation

◤ Dementia Lab Conference 2022 ◢

Leuven, Belgium

September 20, 21 and 22 2022

◎ Established in 2016, the Dementia Lab is a growing community that continues to build on a legacy of work done for and with people living with dementia and their surrounding context. Approached from an inclusive, participatory and person-centred perspective, the Dementia Lab Conference allows for focused discussion with like-minded designers, researchers, carers and other professionals operating within this domain. Where in other venues, it might be challenging to convey the experience of working with people with dementia, or the urgency of working in this field, the Dementia Lab Conference tries to provide a platform of inclusion. As the number of people with dementia continues to increase worldwide, designers, educators and carers are continuously presented with new challenges.


Talking about Things |The inspiration behind the exhibition

What if we all (human and non-humans) have dementia…

Unlike many designers working on dementia, Enable Foundation (a social design collective and education charity from Hong Kong) focuses on a cross disciplinary approach and drive to develop new ways to engage the public in understanding dementia. We designed and produced a series of “Dementia Things”, empathic tools to engage young people’s attention in the experience of dementia.

In order to better articulate the unimaginable somatic and cognitive experiences of dementia, we carefully created design artifacts and environments to help the public to truly feel and even be in the experience of a person with dementia (PwD). We called this design method, ‘Dementia Things.’

The concept further unpacks the speculative design question: What if the subject experiencing dementia was not a person but rather an everyday object or the city around us. This naturally developed into a 3-step process:

Stories: collect quotations from PwD and their carers (professionals and family members)

Symptoms: match the stories to the common dementia symptoms

Situations: illustrate/visualize the situation by creating a corresponding Dementia Object

Since 2015, we have created and shared a series of Dementia Things with different members of the dementia community:

“... Dementia is like a long used glass, in the beginning there may be cracks but it can still be used for drinking. But the cracks may get more and more and deeper and finally the glass is broken….” said a dementia care worker from an elderly care service provider in Hong Kong. We designed the “Dementia Metaphor” for those without dementia to express how they might think or imagine the experience of having dementia.

When we create “Dementia Things”, we do so with the public in mind, it is for them. Our goal is to support them in a renewed and in some cases embodied understanding of dementia.

Our stories will be presented by Dr Yanki Lee at Dementia Lab Conference 2022 on 21st Sep 2022

Dementia Things by Enable Foundation @Dementia Lab Conference 2022
