Dementia Going



我們嘗試從這推測性的問題出發,運用創意的方去探索推廣對腦退化症的認知,讓大眾市民了解此症除發病率高外,患者更應該被接納為社會的一部分。2015年,我們曾製作了一組「腦退症物件」 ,它們代表了腦退化症的不同病徵,讓用家親身體驗患上此病的困惑和沮喪。即是將物件腦退化,而不是人患上病症。這個將腦退化結合魔術的概念,希望將腦退化症變成大眾接受的文化,而不是視為社會缺失或負面的問題。

不只是忘記 歡迎來到「腦化後樂園」


「腦化城市」計劃的目標是誠邀各位市民走進「腦化後樂園(2018年)」, 延續腦退化與魔術的概念,嘗試用設計將腦退化物件推廣至城市層面,讓大家透過這個以腦退化症徵狀作創作靈感的體驗展覽空間,認識腦退化症並不只是忘記東西,而是有更多其他重要的徵狀,並且鼓勵大接納患者如常般外出、在社區當中生活。

Dementia Going Project :

Leaflet PDF (for online viewing only)


The Process:

JAN - MAR 2018


Enable Foundation with Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Kwai Chung), HD in Community Health Care for Senior Citizens and Asbury Methodist Social Service. (Feb 2018) ABOUT Social Innovation Lab (SI.DLab) SI.D Lab is a 2-year capacity building and cross-generational innovation and social design programme.

Visualising Dementia


To prototype the concept of DementiaLand/ Dementia Hong Kong, we introduced the cultural model of dementia by turning medical research findings and social programmes into a new perspective for a public awareness campaign. Apart from memory loss, citizens with dementia performed strangely because they got a life-limiting illness marked by a gradual deterioration of one’s mental capacities including focus, judgment and the ability to communicate. This was our 1st task to create “visualising dementia” through various design prototypes that were intentionally avoiding the symptom of memory loss and hope citizens would pay more attention to all the other symptoms of dementia.

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Dementia Going Dementia Knowledge Partners

有關香港腦退化症/認知障礙症的詳細資料和服務,歡迎與我們的項目夥伴服務機構聯絡或查詢。For more information about Dementia or supporting services in Hong Kong, please visit the following links of our supporting organisations.

賽馬會耆智園 Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing

香港大學秀圃老年研究中心 Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong

香港中文大學賽馬會老年學研究所 The CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing

高錕慈善基金 Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer's Disease

Highlights :

Dementia Home, May 2018

Dementia Stories. Happy Colouring, May 2018

Strange? It Maybe Dementia (A series of 9 short videos, 30 seconds each, Sept 2018)

Dementia CWB (A 3 min video + making of video, Sept 2018)

DementiaLand Showflat with Hong Kong Housing Society (Nov 2019)

OK Dementia Jackets with Pascal Anson @DDW 2019

Extended Projects:

SI.DLab II Dementia Hong Kong 2020 - 2021
OK Dementia Festival 2021